1) Kali Majapahit Continues To GROW
Wow...it seems like classes are getting even bigger than before. The school seems to be growing every time I visit. It's great to see so many new faces experiencing Kali Majapahit.
2) Some People Got GOOD!
It's been a while since I saw some of the students, and they have gotten much, much better. In particular, Indra, Scott, William, and Stephanie. All of them really impressed me by how natural their flow is, and how their skills have improved since I saw them last time. GREAT JOB!! I hope I looked better too!
3) Missed a Few
I was hoping to see Joni, Yee Han, Arlyn, Shaiful, and a few others. I was also hoping to get more time to train with Guro Vince, Guro Ben, Neal, Robin, Sylvia, Frederic, and my other old friends from Yan Kit days. KEEP TRAINING!!
4) Kali Majapahit Keeps On EVOLVING!
Guro Fred really has a passion for it. He spends hours and hours thinking about how to make the curriculum the best it can be, and how to make it more accessible to everyone. That makes us all very very lucky! The new stuff coming in May is very cool and will represent the next important step forward for Kali Majapahit. Stay Tuned!!
5) Alvin's Panantukan Class KICKS ASS!!
WOW! Alvin can really bring it. He drives the class hard, and shows a lot of great techniques for the drills. He has really matured as a teacher, and the class is fun, energetic, and practical. A GREAT workout from a great guy. Not to be missed!! If you haven't been to his Saturday class - GET IN THERE!! Every time I return from Singapore I find myself even more motivated to train harder and get better. I love the life there, and the Kali lifestyle I found when I lived in Singapore. It really did change my life and it can change yours, too. I plan to take our Friday study group to the next level too. I want Guro to be impressed by how good we get training here on our own. See you on the mats!
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