Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Wow, it's crazy out there isn't it?  COVID-19 all around us.  Oil price shock.  Stock market collapse.  Panic buying of toilet paper and protective masks, quarantines, the government lying about everything (at least in the US)... Every day seems to bring new and unforeseen challenges.

As martial artists, we might think that our training is just limited to what we learn and do on the mats.  Not so.  We are experienced crisis managers, discovering ourselves through personal experience of danger, risk and uncertainty during our training.  We regularly experience fear, panic and the "fight or flight" response during drills.  We feel (and give) aggressive intent to help each other learn to handle pressure and stress.  We train ourselves, mind body and spirit, to have "a bias for action" rather than standing by like deer in the headlights.  We are active problem solvers who don't give up or give in.  We use all our tools (physical, mental and spiritual) to achieve the best possible outcomes.

We've been through tough situations before including 9-11, SARS and others.  This is not our first time, nor will it be our last time.  However, it's a good time to practice what we preach and be the leaders we know the world needs.

So what now??

My way is to consider three facets:  Physical, Mental, Spiritual.  I try to focus on the following:

Take Care of Your Physical Health.  This doesn't just mean good hygiene and sanitation, which should be the norm at all times anyway.  It means taking even more care that we eat properly, hydrate properly and get enough sleep.  It means continuing our routine of exercise and training and going about our lives as though the Earth will continue to spin (which I presume it will).  Set specific numerical goals for yourself.  Here are some ideas:

1) Drink at least 3L of pure water daily.
2) Eat healthy foods whenever possible, reduce or eliminate in-between snacks.  Drink non-sugared tea or black coffee when not having pure water.  Reduce or eliminate alcohol.  Use the highest quality ingredients you can afford.
3) Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
4) Exercise at least 3 times/week including both strength and cardio workouts.
5) Take vitamins/supplements as needed (multivitamins, fish oils)
6) Enjoy cold showers/hot baths (including Epsom salts) to boost immune system
7) Continue Intermittent Fasting
8) Stretch or do yoga daily

Mental Health is key in crisis situations.  There is a lot of fear and paranoia involved in times of crisis and we suffer from increased stress and pressure even in everyday tasks and situations.

1) Meditate at least 15 minutes daily
2) Make detailed, rational plans, back up plans and routines.  Set goals at the smallest unit of time you need to to keep busy and active.
3) Communicate and encourage those around you via video calls, emails, chats, etc.
4) despite 3) above, limit technology use especially in the evening so as not to interfere with sleep patterns
5) Use music, aromatherapy and other tools to aid relaxation.
6) Look for and Recognize the signs of mental stress/panic/depression including elevated heart rate, shallow breathing, difficulty concentrating, lethargy.  Acknowledge these when they happen and work to counteract their effects.
7) Limit media to only the most trusted, non-partisan news sources.
8) Take time off work or work from home as needed.
9) Think flexibly --- expect disruptions/cancellations and try not to get upset or overreact.
10) Imagine your daily life returning to "normal" once this is all over, which it will.

A strong spiritual base is a great asset in times of stress.  Use these times to give deeper affirmation to your beliefs.

1) Meditate at least 15 minutes daily.
2) Share and highlight the positive rather than the negative.  Spread love not fear.
3) Continue your daily Tai Chi/Chi Kung/Yoga practice.
4) Exhibit LOVE, COMPASSION and EMPATHY to others as much as you can.  We all need it.
5) Keep your sense of humor.  Laughter is the best medicine.
6) Stay Connected.  Don't allow yourself to withdraw from others.  Be engaged and active socially, even if remotely.  Check in on each other.

This, too, shall pass. 

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