Saturday, May 20, 2023

Stormy Weather


(Lieutenant Dan has a showdown with God in "Forest Gump") 

Friday night at 7pm. Outside the cold rain fell. Hard. The dojo mats were cold on our feet, too. All of the students and instructors were lined up, ready to bow in for class. The students looked a bit uneasy, unsure of what they would do for the next two hours. The instructors were calm and confident. They knew from experience. It was a great, high-intensity class and everyone remained focused and engaged throughout. Later when we bowed out at 9pm, our shirts were sweaty, and we were all smiling. It was done. Until next time.

Truth is, I love a good storm. Rain, snow, strong winds. I love it. Not for the damage or disruption it can cause. I love it because it represents a great opportunity to show up for yourself.

Many days are challenging. With the modern rush of work, school, family, friends, commitments... we are always on the go, always ON. Most of us wake up early (too early) and go to bed late (way too late!). The hours in-between are often a blur. It can be hard to find time for anything else or anything more.

Especially during bad weather, it just seems like Nature's way of telling us to stay at home, on the couch, and watch Netflix or something. Grab a cup of tea and a good book. Take a long, hot bath. Catch up on sleep. On a Friday night it's very tempting to pop down to the pub for a few drinks with some friends or co-workers, or enjoy a well-earned meal after a tough week at work (they're all tough somehow, aren't they?)

None of these things are bad of course. I enjoy them, too. However, in the grand scheme of things, none of them ever make me feel as good as I feel when I show up for myself and invest in making myself better. Rest and sleep (and a good book) are also very important, but to me they are always secondary to keeping the promise to myself and to my students to be at class.

Heavy rains offer a lot of temptation to just give up/go home, but for me it has the opposite effect. Maybe it's just my damn stubbornness but times like that make me want to train harder, as if to prove my own commitment to myself. It's my personal showdown with Mother Nature and I like to win.

I was very glad to see so many of you in class last night. I commend you for making your investment in yourselves a top priority and for continuing to establish the routines and habits that will lead you to success no matter the weather or other obstacles that Life may put in your way.

Perseverance is the most important ingredient for success, and it can only be developed through repetition.

See you Tuesday.     

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