Tuesday, November 06, 2018

52 Card Pickup

52 card pickup.
For those of you not familiar with this card game, it's basically a practical joke.  Here are the "rules": one person throws all the cards in the air.  They land everywhere.  The other person then picks them up.  It's also American slang for "a big mess". 

Much of my life has been this way.  Cards everywhere and a slow, methodical pick up.  Over time, order is restored until someone (usually me) throws the proverbial cards in the air again and we start over.

In many ways, the past year has been a great example of 52 card pickup.  In January I started a new job where I had no existing support network, was not familiar with the products or customers, and had to learn new procedures and policies in a group that was itself only formed a year ago.  Somehow, 10 months later most of the cards have been picked up (at least I think they have).

So what keeps me going?

Today as I turn 52 I am more committed than ever to what I believe.
I am clear about what I love:
  • I love my family and will work tirelessly to support them.
  • I love my friends and I am grateful for their constant support.
  • I love my teachers who have given so much of their wisdom to me.
  • I love my students and I thank them for walking the Path with me.
  • I love my customers and I genuinely want to help them improve what they do.
  • I love my bosses and co-workers who inspire me to be my best every day.
  • I love my country and I believe we can recover.
  • I love other people and I try to treat them all with dignity and respect.
  • I love to make people happy and their smiles make me feel good about myself.
  • I love solving problems and finding answers, and the thrill of discovery has never faded for me.
  • I love writing and trying to get my thoughts organized.  I love sharing my thoughts in case someone might benefit from them (or even just have a laugh).
This year has had some amazing moments.  There have been many big moments to remember, but also many small moments that I am careful to file away so they are not forgotten either.  Life is lived in the small moments.  Actively focusing on them brings a lot more joy than waiting for the big moments to happen.

I am acutely aware that my life is not forever, that I must die when my time comes and there is no adding extra days or minutes to it when the end finally arrives.  It comes for all of us the same, rich and poor, and all we really have are the moments that take us there.  I am pretty sure I am well past half of my life now, but I also think I still have some time left.  I am not afraid of dying.  More importantly, I am not afraid of living.

One of my close friends refers to me as "the most successful person he knows".
Today, on my birthday, I really believe him.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of my success, whether you knew it or not. I remember you and I am grateful for your support.

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