Sunday, August 04, 2019

Being Like Blake

This is Blake.  He's happy and excited.  He's getting ready for his first day of school, so he had this special t-shirt made to let everyone know his intentions.  His goal - MAKE FRIENDS!  He felt like some other kids might be anxious or nervous that they wouldn't fit in or worried that they might not make any friends at school.  So...he took the initiative by announcing to everyone that he is ready and willing to be somebody's new friend.  He's got a positive mindset and he knows the outcome before he even starts.  I don't have any doubts that he made plenty of friends that day.  I also don't have any doubts that his attitude will take him to any success he wants.  I'm so proud of Blake and his empathy and compassion.  I want to be his friend, too.

It's so important to make ourselves available for others and to let them know we are ready and willing to support them, even if they may not be exactly like us.  I also think it's important to be public about our willingness to do so, so people know they can come to us and that we will be their ally if needed.  We all feel a bit nervous in new situations, and it helps so much to have someone like Blake there to welcome us.

In an age where it seems like the world is filled with hatred, anger, violence, loneliness...while Nihilism and tribalism fuel the flames of extremism the world could use a bit more... friendship.  Tolerance.  Love.

Rather than waiting for the world to come to us, I think it's far better to get out there and make it known that we are willing and able to be part of social relationships with others.  We need to learn to be comfortable when speaking out about ourselves and our lives, and to ask for help whenever we need it - especially if we feel depressed, lonely or hopeless.  This is only possible when we believe we can be accepted for who we are without being judged.  Instead of waking up in the morning filled with worry and dread, instead we can try to be open to the possibility of the many good things that could happen - maybe even making a new friend.

I'm not naive (maybe I am, but I hope not as naive as I was on my first day of school).  I know that there are people who would take advantage of an offer of friendship or support and use it out of context.  That said, I still truly believe that if we treat other people with dignity and respect we will usually get the same or more in return.  I believe that we can disagree without hating each other.  I believe that we are all entitled to our beliefs and our happiness, at least to the extent that it doesn't hurt others or our planet.  I believe we should assume positive intent from others unless they give us a strong reason not to.

Regardless of where you live, what you do (as long as it's legal), how much money you make, your religious beliefs, your sexual orientation or gender, your past or your family background or what other people think of you... In my neighborhood, at work, in the dojo or wherever we meet, I'm happy to get a chance to meet someone new.


I want to be like Blake.

Don't you?

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